News (2)

Developing The Potency of Tourism in Balikpapan
Balikpapan city as the gate towards East Kalimantan has the fascination of tourism which is rarely exposed to make people know and feel interested to visit it. Some objects of tourism in Balikpapan such as Manggar Beach, Lamaru Beach, Monpera (Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat), Bekapai’s park and Melawai actually have good potency to be developed better so that not only people from Balikpapan but also people from other cities will come to visit it. According to two students from Balikpapan who are studying in Yogyakarta which have an interview with them this afternoon in their dormitory stated their comments about tourism in Balikpapan. Arum who are studying in MSD (Modern School of Design) said that she had ever visited Manggar beach and Lamaru Beach, but she prefered to visit Manggar beach because the condition of Manggar beach was cleaner than Lamaru beach, actually this two beach had beautiful panoramic view but unfortunately the maintenance of this two beach were different. Arum also said that the distance of Lamaru beach was rather far from Manggar beach and the condition of the road was so bad, it was needed to be fixed so it could create easy access for people to come to Lamaru beach. Ayu who are studying in UAD (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) agreed what Arum said about Manggar and Lamaru beach, she had ever come to there too. She said that the government of Balikpapan should give more attention for tourism objects in Balikpapan by managing the management of objects better than before and did promoting frequently by making events of culture so that many people felt interested to come and see it. Both of them, Arum and Ayu suggested that the government of Balikpapan should reduce the establishment of mall and the government must built a cultural park like Yogyakarta did so that it would make people from other cities interested to come as the effort of the government in developing tourism in Balikpapan. Visiting a certain city to see tourism objects is not complete if do not taste the typical food from the city. The special food from Balikpapan which is famous for people or tourists in visiting Balikpapan is seafood especially crab meat. Arum and Ayu said that they really like this seafood because of the taste of crab meat was so savory and they sometimes brought this food to Yogyakarta when they finished in spending their time in Balikpapan. Hope that the government of Balikpapan can promote tourism in Balikpapan better than before, not only about tourism objects but also the typical food too in achieving the crowded visiting of tourists.

News (Headline)

The Culinary of Balikpapan Begin to Develop Rapidly

The development of Culinary Balikpapan is now becomes more famous than before, it is because Balikpapan is one of city in Indonesia which generates marine resources to be made into processed food to become special seafood from Balikpapan. Marine resources which is resulted from the sea are fish, squid, crab, etc.
Many cities in Indonesia begin to develop each of typical culinary from a certain city, so do Balikpapan will take an action like other cities to make the typical culinary from Balikpapan is familiar for people in Indonesia. It has made many people in Balikpapan become more creative in producing food as a product of typical food from Balikpapan. As we can see around in down town, there are many shops which is selling products of typical food from Balikpapan. Moreover, you also can find many places of culinary in Balikpapan which will make you confused to choose a variety of menu that is served.
Torani Restaurant is one of example as a place of culinary in Balikpapan that offer Ikan Bandeng tanpa duri (Bandeng fish without thorn), many local society or visitors from other city like this menu because the taste is unique and different, it will make us more and more. Torani restaurant is also familiar as the complete seafood culinary in Balikpapan, the location is in Jl. Jend Sudirman.  

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